          世界的領導們啊:對氣候變遷的現況採取行動吧 世界的領導們啊:對氣候變遷的現況採取行動吧 ; Show global support for a bold deal to solve the climate crisis We must show leaders that their inaction is unacceptable. Join over 14 million people from aroun 售屋網d the world in the largest ever climate petition. Our campaign will continue to build until we get a Real Deal - we won't accept a sham. Sign below, tell everyo 景觀設計ne -- it's not too late: Petition to the 110 Presidents and Prime Ministers responsible:We call on each one of you to make the concessions necessary to meet your historic responsibil 21世紀房屋仲介ity in this crisis. Rich countries must offer fair funding, and all countries must set ambitious targets on emissions. Do not leave Copenhagen without a fair, ambitious and binding deal that keeps the world sa 房屋貸款fe from catastrophic global warming of 2 degrees. 哥本哈根氣候峰會,世界各國領袖將破例以60小時會議,為行將宣告失敗的全球暖化決議案直接協商,專家們同意若沒有巨量的輿論施壓,峰會將不會撤回原先將造成驟變,且災難影響範圍廣泛的2度C控制之決議 房屋二胎。 在此,誠懇邀請所有關心氣候變遷與地球生靈健康長成的有心志士,一起連署請願,為地球家園更美好的未來以及峰會結束前尚未臻達理想的決議案,作出最後一搏, 地球命運的黃金72小時,就在您 "指"中了,感謝再感謝 ~ 請進入 網路行銷hagen/?cl=402021131&v=4919 往下拉 填上姓名 信箱 電話請加886國家請選 Taiwan 郵遞區號  按 Send 送出即完成 歷史性的使命 Sign the Real Deal Petition Below Sign the petition Already Avaaz member? Enter your email address andhit "Send". First time here? Please fill 房屋買賣out the formbelow. Name(姓名): Email: Cell/Mobile (電話886-): Country(國家): Postcode(郵遞區號): will protect your privacy and keep youposted about this and similar campaigns. "Send".按此 送出即完成  -- *********************************************NASA (美國太空總署)的氣象學家 西服宣佈北冰洋的融冰速度將導致在2012 年出現無冰現象以上 數分鐘短片, 告訴您更多的真相 !********************************************~~無上師電視頻道~~僅播出積極正面的節目,將為您帶來靈性新視野,並充實您的人生,24小時網路電視即時播放,全世界皆可觀賞!http://s 酒店經紀 Be Veg! Go Green! Save Our Lovely Planet -- Be Veg. Go Green. Save the Planet.For more urgent details please .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣房子  .

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